Friday, November 22, 2013

Whoever, whenever, all day, all night, for my colors....

Polt's Top Ten Awesome Colors List!

1. Purple

2. Blue
Almost purple, it's in second place.  Plus, in electoral maps, it stands for Democrats.

3. Black
 It's slimming.  Everyone looks better in it.  And black men are like the sexiest things ever.

4. Red
Fire hydrants, Santa Claus, ruby slippers..and we'll ignore it's coloring on electoral maps.

5. White

Snow, mayo, soap suds, even innocence.

6. Green
Grass, pine needles,wintergreen, leprechauns...all things I really dont the smell of.

7. Gray
Dust, old people's hair, "50 Shades Of"...things middle-aged women know about, not me.

8. Orange
Other than the fruit, what the hell is the purpose of this color anyway?

9. Brown
The color of poop.  Nuff said, eh?

10. Yellow
Too bright, so bright it hurts the eyes and is jarringly obnoxious.



Unknown said...

Who you callin' old Polt?!?! And Orange is the best!

Polt said...

Well since you signed in without a name, Unknown, I have no idea who I'm calling old! :)