Monday, November 25, 2013

Lost on Highway 46, my life's a book....

So in case you haven't heard, today I turn 46.  


I suppose I should be happy about it.  After all, at 46 years old, Kurt Cobain was dead for 19 years, Mozart was dead 11 years, and JFK died.

Still being closer to 50 years old than to 40 years old is something of a shocker.  And to put that many candles on a cake would likely give a sunburn to anyone viewing it, or catch the ceiling of the room on fire or something.

But really, in the end, there's not a whole I can do about it.  Until I invent a time machine, I guess.



Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Polt! Yeah, the mid 40's can be sort of worrisome but here I am staring 50 down in just one year.

Michelle M. said...

Aw, 46 is the new 30!
(remind me of this when it's my turn).