Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Okay, it's the first week of November, ONLY the FIRST WEEK OF NOVEMBER, and already I've seen two, count them, TWO ads already for......wait for it......CHRISTMAS!!!

Jesus, Mary AND Joseph, it's like 50 days until Christmas!!!  And the ads are up already??/

Okay, yeah, that's it, I'm doing another boycott this year!  Any company that shows a Christmas ad before Thanksgiving Day will be boycotted by me from now until the end of the year.

No, this won't stop the corporate thinking that creates this kind of insanity, but I don't care, it makes me feel better!

Go ahead and show the Christmas ads, companies, and I'm spending my money at your competitors!


see the full list over in the sidebar.


Mel said...

Stores in Australia have been selling Christmas decorations etc for at least a month. The Christmas Pageant parade is this Saturday

Michelle M. said...

There are three houses in the neighborhood with their lights up already (they had them up Nov. 1st).