Welcome to Martin Luthor King Jr Holiday. Since it was also my day off, I'll get tomorrow off as well. Yay.
I was supposed to have lunch with friends, but when I woke up, I was having some...stomach issues. When I texted her, she said she had woke up with a sore throat so she wan't sure if she was going to go anyway. So we canceled, planning on doing it later.
As the day went along, though, I felt better. And then, I got a surprise call from Danny (the guy who took my 2015 virginity on January 2), and I went to his place for some bedtimesexxyfun. Afterwards, I went to Staples to buy an electric pencil sharpener. The one I had had died the day before. Mom got me the one I had, from her work, back years and years ago....probably in the very late 90s. So considering it lasted over 15 years, it was a good run. And then I got lunch from Taco Bell (don't judge) and hung out here at home for a while, doing more reading mainly.
In the mid-afternoon, mom called and we took my car to the mechanic to get it inspected on Tuesday. Then we went back to her house. Since she's going to be moving, she's getting the house cleared out, and there was, on the attic, a set of shelves filled with games. I went through them, deciding which I'd take, which she'd keep to sell and which we could just throw away.
OH the memories! I took a garbage bag full of them home, and we had an even larger bag of ones to be thrown away. But I save some great games! I'm pretty certain I'll never play any of them again, and they'll just be thrown out once I die or move. But for now, I've got them.
The original Clue game I got when I was still in my pre-teens! Still in good condition too.
Ratrace! Oh how I loved this game! It's one I had in my mid to late teens. Oh my God I can remember my friends and I playing this, usually with mom, and laughing ourselves silly.
WHOSIT? This, I swear, was my FAVORITE board game when I was growing up. It's very simple to play, and very easy to play, but man I did enjoy it. I did so love getting the Director, as he could answer questions truthfully or not as he wished. So much fun!
And I discovered these metal figurines of Marvel Super Heroes that I totally had forgotten I even owned! But I got them back now!
After getting the games settled in the closet in my attic (where all my games are), I finished watching "The Monarchy" and started watching "Prohibition". It's three episodes long, by Ken Burns and VERY well done. I wasn't able to get to the last episode though.
I also hooked up the new electric pencil sharpener and hooked up the new George Foreman I got for Christmas and cooked myself a DE-licious steak I had. And of course, at the end of the night, I went to bed and read, before going to sleep.
I never heard of those games. Except for Clue, of course. If I ever find myself on your doorstep, you'll have to teach me how to play : ).
Absolutely Michelle M.! We'll have a game night! :)
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