Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Someone book me a room (Part 20)...

Chapter 1, Page 20...

Today I was off work because the King Holiday fell on my regular day off.  It was a very lazy day. I didn't even shower at all.  My car was at the mechanic getting inspected, so I couldn't go anywhere.  Well anywhere I couldn't walk,   And as I didn't have a shower, I didn't really want to walk anywhere.  I spent almost the entire day on the sofa, finishing "Ken Burns: Prohibition" and started watching another documentary "Mankind: The Story Of All Of Us".  Didn't get all the way through it though.

I made pasta for lunch, dont judge.  Mom took me down to the mechanic's about 3:00 and I paid him and brought the car home.

I mentioned Monday I was having some stomach issues.  Those continued on and off all day.  Not an upset stomach, really, but pains...beyond my stomach.  That's the best way I can describe it.  And really.....bad poos.  And there's no better way I can, or should, describe that.  I still wasn't feeling right in the evening, so I called in and took Wednesday off.

I did not watch the State Of The Union, but I DID see Obama's great bitch slap of the Republicans after social media blew up with it. (See the post below with all the videos if you don't know what I'm talking about).

I went to bed a little early-ish, but read and didn't really go to sleep until the usual time.


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