Friday, October 16, 2015

Someone book me a room (Part 289)...

Chapter 10, Page 15...

So Thursday, I somehow got up early and got to work a bit early (like 15 minutes or so) and yeah, I don't know how that happened either.  At any rate, work was fine.  I got the normal weekly stuff done that needed to be done and even a few of the monthly things I needed to get done.  All was good.

After work, though I was very VERY tired.  And not terribly hungry.  I've been feeling very stressed again lately.  Not apathetic or anxious or anything really bad like before, just overly stressed and feeling a bit overwhelmed.  Hence, my tiredness and lack of appetite.  I did eat a few spoonfuls of chicken salad and some Doritos, so that's good.  I was on the computer a bit, and watched a few episodes of Bob's Burgers (working my way through the whole series!), and even read a little bit.  But by 8pm, I had had it.  So i took my pills, gave myself my insulin shot, shut down the computer and went to bed.

I laid there for a bit, reading and on the phone. But before 9:00, I turned out the light and soon went to sleep.  When I get stressed, or overly anxious, or worried, or things like that, I've discovered, what I do most often is just sleep.  Even if I've slept well recently, I dont seem to have any problem falling into a nap or regular sleep.  It's like that's how my body (or my mind) deal with that stress, etc: we go to sleep so we don't experience it.  I guess that's not really dealing with it, but, eh, whatever.

Anyway, I'm working through the stressors and anxiety inducers.  I mean, logically, I know there's very little reason for me to be so stressed about these things....but actually putting that logic in to action (meaning, NOT being overly stressed), isn't an easy thing to do.  But I'll work through it.  Hopefully sooner, rather than later.


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