Thursday, April 30, 2015

Someone book me a room (Part 117 & 118)...

Chapter 4, Page 28...

Tuesday, when I woke up, I just did NOT feel like going in to work.  So I called in and took my Good Friday holiday that I worked and still had to take.

It was a wasted day.  I again didn't shower (didn't, in fact, from Sunday morning until Wednesday morning) and didn't shave (didn't,  in fact, from Friday morning until Wednesday morning).  I DID however, watch The Watchmen on the new Blu-Ray I just recently got.  (my Blu-Ray movies consist of "Guardians Of The Galaxy", "The Avengers", "X-Men, Days Of Future Past", and "The Watchmen."  Sensing a trend?)  I also watched a Doctor Who series, with the Fifth Doctor, and it wasn't terribly good.

I had filled my gas tank up the day before, and when I got in the car in the early afternoon, the gas fumes were almost overpowering!  I got a headache just driving a short distance.  This has happened before on occasion.  Always right after I fill up, and usually after I do so at Rutters and then park the car (a drive of only half a block).  When I fill it up in Hagerstown and drive home (a distance of ten miles or so) I dont have that smell.

But this day, it was so bad.  And I was concerned. I mean, I dont allow smoking in my car anyway, but I don't think it's a good idea to have gas fumes hanging out inside it.  So i called the mechanic.  He said he could take a look at it Wednesday.

I drove my car to his garage, mom came and picked me up. I dropped her off at her place and brought her car back to my house (to take to work on Wednesday).

I dont honestly recall doing anything else of note on Tuesday.

Chapter 4, Page 29...

For some reason, I got up over a half hour early on Wednesday, and so I got to work very early too.  But that's cool, I've been showing up late recently (since the time change).  I think my body may have adapted to the time difference now.

Work was no big deal. I had things I needed to accomplish, and I got them all done.

After work, I stopped by the garage on the way home.  The mechanic said there weren't any leaks.  There's a vent some where involved in all this, run by a computer.  He took the vent out, took it apart, put it back together and then hooked it up and tried it manually.  It worked like it was supposed to.  So his only thought was that maybe the vent had been sticking and allowing fumes into the car instead of venting them outside.  He said this should have fixed it.  And $67 later, I took my car home, hoping the gas fume problem was done.

I got the bbq wings from Rutter for supper and DAMN those sons-a-bitches are THE best wings I've ever had.  And I watched another Doctor Who series, this again with the Fifth Doctor.  And again, it was mediocre.

I was tired and so I went up to bed about 830.  But I read and putzed around on my phone and didn't actually turn out my light until after 11:00...which kinda defeated the purpose of going to bed early....


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