Thursday, September 15, 2011

All you hear in doom and gloom...

Stole this from Scott over at Bill In Exile, who got it from the other blog.  And I think it totally, completely, and quite accurately states our current situation.

“What’s supposedly the greatest country in the world is now run by two parties, the Hang the President from a Locker Hook by His Underwear Party, and a party led by a guy who allows himself to be hung from his locker hook that way. We’re doomed.”

-Steve M over at No More Mister Nice Blog.

I don't know that we're doomed yet, but just imagine how bad off we'll be if the first party get total control again like it had for 6 years a few years ago.  Social Security privatized, unions outlawed, corporation polluting the air, water and ground and treating it employees however it wants with no government oversight, No taxes on huge multi-billion dollar a year corporations and the mega-wealthy, but everyone else taxed into poverty to keep them that way.  Oh, and let's not forget a rightwing theocracy in charge of the county that scoffs at science and demands religion be taught as science. 

When this happens, then yes, then we will be doomed.


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