Monday, September 05, 2011

On the labor of love It's the give and take...

Today I had a significantly unlaborious Labor Day.

I woke up about 9ish.  I got online, harvested my crops (don't judge), watched porn and took care of business (don't judge) and tried to set up a rendezvous for tomorrow (I said, don't judge).  Then I pretty much just read.  I'm working my way through the last Harry Potter book.  And other than walking to the Waynesburger for lunch, and driving to moms (it was raining, remember, don't judge) for supper, all I've done so far today is read.  Well I did get a shower and I DID actually do one load of laundry, but otherwise, just reading Harry Potter.  So far today, in the roughly ten hours I've been awake, I've read 275 pages.  And I will read more before the day is done.

I'm hoping that tomorrow is a bit more productive.  Hope you had an equally relaxing holiday.


1 comment:

Tam said...

Ah, I remember those days of being hooked on Harry Potter. Loved it. I did about 5 loads of laundry and ... that's about it. Also read, and did a couple of reviews and watched Raiders of the Lost Ark. That's about it. It was nice.