Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I started playing Dungeons & Dragons back in the early 80's when I and my friends were in 8th grade, and I've been playing it on and off since then.  In fact, for like 8 years straight, I played every other Sunday with a group.  Haven't really played it since before my dad died in 2007.

Having said all that, this commerical just cracks me the hell up.

And people like this, by the way, is why I never LARPed. 



Anonymous said...

I played AD&D for about 3 years. But then that was when Zelda came out for the NES and that game kind of killed AD&D for me.

And in fact I've got to order the new Zelda for my Wii.

Paul said...

I thought role playing was more like this:

Michelle M. said...

I never played D&D, but that cookie at the end looked pretty tasty.