Thursday, September 15, 2011

A more "Purple" way. As a whole, we hope...

A few weeks ago, Stratcat, my co-worker/Glee date/fellow traveler to Gay Pride parades went to Myrtle Beach for vacation.  While there, amidst the swimming, sunbathing, fun, and frivoloty, she took time to think of me.

She sent me this photo.

Which of course may or may not have made me squee a bit.  And grow green with envy over not being able to visit it myself in person.

And then, upon her return to work, she stopped by my office to give me this.

It's a purple lizardy thing, a keychain definitely, but neither of us were sure if it may not be a bottle opener too.  Frankly, I'm afraid to try to use it cause I don't want to break it.  But it's nice to have anyway.  And flattering to know she was thinking of me while on vacation.  In case anyone wants to emulate her, just remember anything, even just photos, of purple stuff, or Superman items, or hot guys, or even hot guys wearing purple Superman stuff would be greatly appreciated.  And as a plus, you'll get bragged up here on the Palace.


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