Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Today, well, today was perfectly dreadful.

I forgot to set my alarm last night, so instead of getting to work at roughly 8-ish I woke up at roughly 8-ish.  And the entire rest of the day was  Didn't feel awake.  Didn't feel motivated.  Every little thing that happened wasn't a little thing, I blew it up into a huge mountain of crap.  Luckily, I realized early on that I was just guy-PMS'ing, so I didn't act out on anything.  I didn't raise my voice, I didn't shout at anyone, I didn't throw anything, although God knows I surely wanted to.  I did close my office doot and just sit in there and do paperwork.  I attempted to turn on Pandora so I could have some soothing Mozart or something, BUT, Pandora apparently changed their website.  And so, while I could get it this evening here at home, I got nothing at work.  Which was a further irritant to a day chock full of sand in your swimsuit!

After work, though, things improved.  Well once I got through all the senior citizen drivers on the road home.  Mom and I went to have salads at Cafe Del Sol, and they were amazingly good.  And then we came back here and after several attempts, managed to get the two back-to-back Borders bookshelves apart without damaging them.  And then we rearranged the dining room to accomadate the new bookshelves.

And then I sat here and wasted time online and waching Kathy Griffin. ("Holy shitballs!"  I LOVE Kathy Griffin!)  So once I got off work, and the day wore on, it definitely improved.  I'm hoping the improvement continues through the night and into tomorrow.


1 comment:

Michelle M. said...

Holy shitballs! I'm glad your day got better - have a great weekend!