Monday, September 26, 2011

Today has been a good day.  Oh, so far it's been a typical Monday (sleep in a bit, read, laundry, putz around online), except for two things, which have made it exceptional so far.

1)  I had a doctor's appointment today where I got the results of the bloodwork from last week.  Since my last visit the end of June, I have lose 5 pounds, which I already knew cause I weigh myself at work.  But also, my A1C (it's a measure of the sugar in my system long term, or something like that) dropped from 9.7 to 8.5!  They want it to be between 6-7, so it's still not great, but that's, in the doctor's words, 'a phenominal drop, in such a short time;.  That's what happens when I give up regular sodas.  I still have to get it down more, and continue to try to lose weight, but I'm glad the change was so noticable.


2) When I got home and got online, I got talking to this 18 year old, half black/half Puerto Rican cute kid with something of hairthing who used to play soccer when he was in high school, and had the body reflecting it (muscular thighs larger than my head, bubble ass, etc) and who has a thing for red headed men. Totally worth the 45 minute drive to his house.  He was more experienced than I would have expected, and his enthusiasm and eagerness bordered on desperation, but he made the most exquisite little noises.  Ah, youth.

Now, if only my day continues like this until this evening and results in a victory for the Dallas Cowboys over the Washington Deadskins tonight.  They say good things come in threes, so one can but hope.


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