Thursday, August 23, 2012

If you're on my list, it's just a question of time (Part 7)...

10 Questions

Hi, I'm Adam.  I'm a huge celebrity*, award-winning recording artist*, Oscar nominated actor* and world-famous hand model*.  In my spare time, I blog at Cocky & Rude (, volunteer at a cat shelter, sell all of my earthly possessions on eBay and cheat at Polt's Dead or Alive game.  My favorite colors are blue, green, orange and red.  I enjoy long walks on the beach during thunderstorms*.  I prefer to dress in plaid at all times.  I was once mistaken for Tilda Swinton*.  Here are my answers:


1. How many credit cards do you currently own?

One real credit card, one ATM card, one store (Kohls) card that I hardly ever use.
2. Who is someone who needs punching in the nose right now?
3. At what age did you lose your virginity?
Much later than you'd probably guess.
4. Have you lost something and never found it?
No, I'm obsessively organized.
5. Do you have a fat ass (in either a good or bad way)?
YES I'm a big fat fuck right now but I've lost 10lbs in the last couple weeks, and I won't stop until I weigh as much as Joshrico!
6. What is the farthest in each direction, North, South, East & West have you traveled from your current home?
Farthest North = Montreal, Canada
Farthest South = Nassau, The Bahamas
Farthest East = Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Farthest West = Wheeling, Ohio
7. If you could live the life of anyone who's now dead, without changing anything, who would it be?
Charles Nelson Reilly

8. How many scars do you have, where are they, and what are they from?
Left Index Finger, from scooping ice cream with a plastic spoon that snapped and splintered right into my finger
Lower Back (tramp stamp area), from a Microdiscectomy (Microdecompression) Spine Surgery
A few small chicken pox scars on my forehead ... I think that's about it.
9.Would you ever date outside your race?
Of course (assuming that I was single at the time, which I am not)
10. Coke, Pepsi, other, or none of the above?
Diet Coke, Wild Cherry Diet Dr Pepper, or Pineapple Fanta ... but I very rarely drink soda.  I'm more of an unsweetened iced tea kinda guy.


There now, aren't we all glad we got to know Adam a little better?  And remember, if you want to answer some random questions and haven't let me know yet, fire off an email to me at and tell me so!



Tam said...

If you lived closer to Patricia you guys would give that Kohl's card a work out together.

I thought the answer to #4 would be "your virginity".

Charles Nelson Reilly is a brilliant answer.

Aren't you dating a fictional Mexican? Isn't that another race?

adam said...

re: Tam
He may be a fictional Mexican, but he's a real-life Bosnian.

Tam said...

Mexican, Bosnian, same difference. (Now he hates me. LOL)

Both exotic. Although I've never heard of a Bosnian burrito.

Michelle M. said...

I thought you were still a virgin. Huh.
Congrats on losing 10 pounds!