Sunday, December 16, 2012

Bad day, baby, bad, bad day....

Yesterday, I woke up in a crabby crappy mood.  This is not unusual, as I wake up that way most days I have to work anyway.  And that mood remains in place until I get to work, get a few cups of coffee into me and start to wake up.

Yesterday, despite the coffee and waking up, I was still pissed off all day.  I cussed out a few clients, when I normally would have just ignored them.  I even cursed at some paper towels that came out of the dispenser ripped up repeatedly.  I also threw them out into the hallway and kicked them around a little bit while swearing at them (the paper towels, not the clients).

By 1.30, I had had enough.  I put in a leave slip and came home.  Of COURSE, the Service Engine Soon light came on in my car, which pissed me off even more.  Now Sebastian is sitting at the shop waiting to get checked out tomorrow and I have no car.  But I digress...back to yesterday...

So when I got home, I went to bed to read, and ended up taking a short nap.  Later in the evening was my family Christmas, which I wasn't looking forward to considering my mood.  But what else could I do?  So mom came and got me.  We went and got grandma, and then we were off to my uncle's house.

Surprisingly, I had a very good time, had fun, wasn't irritated (overly much), and enjoyed myself.  Had fun talking to cousins and such.  Had a great food.  Got to play with my young cousins (6-8 yrs old), got to wear  my Santa hat and hand out the gifts, like I've done for years.  More talking with fun relatives (ignoring the bad ones) and just hanging out with them.  Found out my youngest cousin (well, not youngest, but there are 7 of us ranging in age from me at 45 to her at 30, and we grew up together) is expecting in June.  That was pretty exciting.  All by two of my deviled eggs were eaten, that was flattering.  Good times.

We packed up the car and mom dropped me off here at home.  I almost immediately headed back out.  My friend Michelle was holding her annual Christmas Party/Her Stepson's Birthday Party.  I hadn't attended in a few years, and felt since I got home relatively early from the Family Christmas, I should go.  And so I did.

Wasn't there very long because I was tired and once again kinda grumpy.  But I had some wine, talked to a bunch of her family and friends I hadn't seen in a while.  Got to get hugs from a few hot guys.  And got to try out Michelle's new bed: king sized, remote controlled adjustable head and foot, and vibrating.  Nice.

I came home, watched a surprisingly funny Saturday Night Live episode.  And then, after setting up a booty call for tonight, went to bed.

Despite how dismally the day began, it ended rather well.


1 comment:

Michelle M. said...

I have to chuckle at the thought of you kicking the crap out of a roll of paper towels.

Martin Short was pretty funny. The monologue cracked me up.