Thursday, December 13, 2012

If you're on my list, it's only a matter of time (Part 21)...

10 Questions

This week, kids, we've got......


Hello kids, I'm Paul, also once known as The Swirl.  I was once part of the Puntabugang which has since disbanded.  I believe that history will blame Yoko Ono.  I was also a Private in the Cocky& Rude Army, which was disbanded after Don't Ask Don't Tell was repealed.  No one asked but everyone told, after that we just couldn't look at each other anymore.  Finally, I am the Paul with the Insanely Cute Boyfriend Travis.

1. Have you ever sued anyone or been sued by anyone?
Not yet, but give it time.
2. What is the last sporting event you attended?
A Yankee game sometime before 9-11.
3. How often do you shave your legs/face?
I don't shave either anymore.
4. Toilet Paper: Folded, wrapped around your hand, or wadded up?
5. How many continents have you been on?
Just one, since the Caribbean Islands are in North America.
6. Have you ever had your identity stolen?
No.  There was a fraudulent charge on one of my credit cards.  I'm just not worth stealing.
7. If you could take a week's vacation anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Amsterdam.  I've always wanted to go there.

8. Who was your first celebrity crush?
Willie Ames, too bad he didn't age very well,  but in 1979 his eight would have been enough!
9. What allergies do you have?
Tree pollen and bullshit.
10. Which actor who played James Bond, was the best?
Sean Connery was the best Bond, but Daniel Craig is the best looking Bond.

There, now isn't it nice to know Paul a little better?



Tam said...

That's one of the best intros ever. Well done.

Michelle M. said...

I agree with Tam (as always).

Love the answer to #9.

Mark said...

I would Love to go to Amsterdam too!