Thursday, December 20, 2012

If you're on my list, it's only a matter of time (Part 22)...

10 Questions

This week, we have Josh.

Josh didn't send me a blurb about himself, but then again, did he need to?  Everyone knows Josh, right?  Including this chick in the pic with him...probably just some stranger he met on the street. :)

1. Can you poop in public restrooms or are you poo-shy?
Don't mind that horrible scent.  That's just me crapping in public.
2. How often do you shave your face/legs?
I only shave my face when it gets to the point that strangers on the street begin making fun of my teenager dirt-stache.  And shave my legs?!  What a waste of time!  I'd rather do one of the following activities: a) Throw fire flames; b) Have wheelies race up my spine; c) Sip on gin & prunes; d) Be the toilet of your dreams; or e) Work on getting tans on my legs (and not on my face, obv).
3. How many of your ascendants are living & how many do you have memories of?
My parents are alive.  All grandparents are dead.  They all died when I was super young, though childhood photos of me seem to show that I did love sitting on my grandpa's lap and smiling like and idiot.
4. What is the highest level math course you've taken?
U + Me = Us (Calculus)
5. What was the last thing you painted?
The town red, of course.  HAHAHAhahOMFGIAMFUNNYhahahahahaHAHAHAhahahHAahahhufzsdguywagrq3yuwatbfshdffuywaetgbfuysvdcfbweuyszfbvsdvI'mSoCRaZzZzZyAnDWiLDfsdszejgjustkiddingi'mactuallyverylonelyandboringandnoonelikesmefnhdghidrgnohgodi'msoaloneshfHAHAHHAHAHAHAH!
6. How many tattoos do you have and want?
I have none...TOO EXPENSIVE.  But I DO want one around my ankle of the alphabet.  Maybe I'll win the lottery so I can afford it.  My boyfriend has like 10 or something, including sleeves on his arms, so I'll let him carry the ink in this relationship.
7. When was the last time you were REALLY angry and why?
When I bought Ke$ha's new album 'Warrior' two weeks ago and got to the song "Wonderland".  I thought that with the song titles, the acoustic guitar intro, and the fact that I love Ke$ha most when she exposes her sensitive side that I would FALL IN LOVE WITH this tune.  But as soon as I was done listening to the song the first time through, I threw up everywhere over how boring and uneventful and soul-less it turned out to be!  UG!  The rage that comes with being disappointed by a musical artist you liked is unparalleled!
8. How many cars have you owned and what were they?
One!  My tri-color '91 Subaru Loyale that made countless cameos in the YouTube videos over the years.  When I moved to NYC, I sold it for $300 to some terrifying creeps I found on Craigslist that likely used it in some sort of illegal drug activities.
9. Do you have a fat ass in either a good for bad way?
To quote Lucille Bluth: "I don't understand the question, and I won't respond to it."
10. What is the design, color and look of your Welcome Mat?
A full color remake of one of my favorite photos of all time: 

There, now isn't it nice to know Josh a little better?


PS, yes, I know that's actually least I think it least I hope it is, since I said it was here.....could be funnier if is isn't.....


Tam said...

Yeah, shaving your legs isn't all that and a bag of chips, I can vouch for that.

Your butt is definitely not fat.

john said...

But it may be phat...

Dirtstache made me giggle.

Michelle M. said...

Ha! (answer to #5).

I love josh.