Monday, December 10, 2012

Conversation has it's hold on me (Part 5)...

Conversations With Kris

Kris was here for the night last night (see below).  After showing him the Palace's 2012 Christmas video (that he was in and hadn't seen yet), I mentioned the video I posted of Jimmy Fallon, Mariah Carey and the others singing (see that HERE).

POLT:  Oh, and have you seen the video from Jimmy Fallon with Mariah Carey and the Roots?
KRIS: (just looks at me like I've told him he has a third eye growing out of his forehead)
POLT: What?
KRIS: How was Mariah Carey in that?
POLT: (looking at him confused) What?  She just came in and sang?
KRIS: (looking even more surprised) She can't be that old.
POLT: Well no, she's not old.  Relatively.  But what does that have to do with anything?
KRIS: Roots was made in the 70's right?
POLT: (light bulb going off) I said it was Jimmy Fallon, Mariah Carey AND The Roots!  The musical group. not Mariah Carey IN Roots!
KRIS: OOOOOOH!  Okay then.  Well, me the video.