Wednesday, April 01, 2015

Someone book me a room (Part 88 & 89)...

Chapter 3, Page 30...

I've already mentioned how, on Monday, I ended up having to go to the dentist for the extreme pain from the abscessed tooth.  And how I got the painkiller (by the way, I looked it up, apparently it's generic Vicodin?) and the antibiotic and started taking them.

We prior to going to the dentist, despite the pain, I went to mom's and helped her carry several things of trash up from the basement for her to put out to the trash. She's working pretty hard getting the basement cleaned out for the move.

After taking the pills, I felt loopy (this I descirbed previously in a post or two.  And since I'm still taking the Vicodin, I still kinda feel that way).  All I did the rest of that evening was watching a Classic Doctor Who serial: Carnival Of Monsters.  Netflix has a few from each of the early Doctor's and I'm trying to work my way through them all.

Then after this, I went to bed to read some and then to sleep.

Chapter 3, Page 31...

Let me first say, how surprised and pleased I am that I've actually kept up with this daily diary thing for three entire months.  Not that I ever have that much exciting to put down here, I' just glad I'm sticking with it.

Anyway, Tuesday, as I had already called in to take the day off work, I slept in until about 10:30 (having woken up occasionally to take some pills, which I described as well in a previous post).  I threw some clothes on, not bothering to shower, and walked the half block to Rutters for breakfast.

The remainder of the afternoon was spent watching crap on TV or wandering around on line.  I was hving trouble focusing on what I was reading, when I tried to read my book, so I didn't do much reading at all.  I dont know where the time went, when I noticed it was 645, and I'd had nothing at all to eat .

(as an aside, I have no idea why anyone would want to take these things so much that they get addicted to them.  Hoenstly, I have little to no appetite and my sex drive has plummerted as well.  I was chatting with a guy on a hookup app, and he was interested in stopping by for some fun, but frankly, I just wasn't feeling it.  But anyway, I digress...)

I wasn't hungry despite the lack of food, but I thought I'd better eat.  I couldn't decide what to make, and then just ended up ordering a pizza, of all things.  So I put on some clothes and my coat, and got in the car for the short drive to the pizza place.

Not a good idea.  I made it there and back without incident, but I was feeling, moreso than usual, every bump, pothole, crack, etc, in the road.  And from the turns, even though I wasnt' going over the speed limit, and all the jostleing, I was starting to get a it nauseated.  Im glad I didn't have far to go to get htis.

Once I got home and out of the car, however, I felt fine, if still a bit loopy.  SO yeah, no driving for me while taking this stuff.  And once I started eating the pizza, I realized how hungry I actually was.  I ended up eating the entire small pizza!

Following this, I laid on the couch and was better able to focus on the book, so i read some and got online again for a bit, before watching Agents Of SHIELD.  And then I went to bed, even though I had barely been awake 12 hours, I was tired and ready to sleep.

Oh, and I forgot something, I also managed to go through some of my comic books and get a comic book box filled up and taken to the attic.  I'm not collecting many now, but I still have a ton of them in the middle bedroom.  I've got at least boxes partially filled.  I need to get them filled up and moved up to the attic (with my 36 other comic book boxes), so I can do smeothing else with that middle room.

Anyway, the lesson learned today: When taking a painkiller, walking to Rutters for food = okay; driving anywhere for food = bad idea!


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