Monday, November 01, 2010


As I mentioned below, Kris packed everything up in his apartment and moved it yesterday. he moved most of his stuff in with his grandmothers, she lives locally. His parents came up from Winchester and got some stuff to take back there as well. And this is the plan: he'll spend this week with his granmother. This coming weekend, he's doing on drill, and when he comes back, he'll stay with his parents for a week, ten days, to see if they get along, which they may or may not.

Kris and I are getting together Thursday after work, and he's spending the night. And after that....well who knows? If he doesn't get along with his parents and he moves back with his grandmother, we could be seeing each other again before Thanksgiving. If they get along at his parents and he stays....well then who knows? Or it could be that he gets a job here in Hagerstown and gets his own place, which is what he plans to have happen. But who knows?

Naturally, I'm disappointed about this, but I'm doing alright. A few weeks ago, you may recall, he said he was moving out of the apartment and at that point, he was going to move back with his parents for good, or go active duty army, both of which would have pretty much put the kibash on us. And even though the plan changed that same week, I was still kinda in shock. I came to terms with the fact then that he might have to be leaving at any time. So that's why I'm not distraught or in shock like I was previously.

I'm just going to look at it as this Thursday might just be last time he and I hang out for an extended period of time. And yeah, that does suck. But I'm more accepting now than before. Still, I hope he does get back into this area, cause I do sure like this guy, and would really hate to have anything he and I might have be ended this soon.

But whatever happens, happens. At least we've had what we had.



Michelle M. said...

Sounds like you're going with the flow and enjoying the time you have together - which is all you can do, I suppose : ).

Tam said...

Glad that you are feeling a bit better about it all, even if the uncertainty is there. Hopefully it will all work out in a positive way for you guys.