Thursday, November 18, 2010

She's got issues and i'm gonna pay yeah hey...

Some comments on a few recent events.

Issue 1: Those full body scanners at the airports and the 'backlash'. I suppose having to stand in a glass booth and be subjected to x-rays may indeed be an inconvenience. But I would assume that being in a plane that blows up because some moron decided smuggle some explosives inside his underwear would be much more inconvenient.

You wanna talk backlash? Just imagine the backlash if some terrorist manages to blow up an airplane full of people over NYC. Or DC. Or LA. Or Chicago. Or any major city. You think there won't be backlash then?

Look, people, I know it sucks having you x-ray taken wherein someone else can see your small penis, or saggy boobs or rolls of fat. But really, don't you want to arrive at your destination alive? If its more important than you not be scanned in this fashion, or subjected to a pat down, then either drive or stay the hell home.

Issue 2: Sarah Palin's tv show on Discovery premiered recently. Someone who went to school with the Palin girls had a tweet or something saying the show sucked. Willow Palin, Sarah's 16 year old daughter called him a faggot on Twitter.

Yeah, that's good old fashioned down home Family Values for you. Of course calling someone a faggot probably is 'family values' among the wife-trash, redneck Palin family. And I daresay, quite a number of her Tea Party supporters would have no problem with that.

Unfortunately, but not surprisingly, the outcry from the mainstream media has been luke warm at best. I just have to wonder, what if Willow used "kike" or 'nigger' instead of faggot. Would the outcry have been so lackluster?

And why do Palin and her family get such a pass? I suppose since Sarah 'sells' (both with those that hate her and those that love her), the media is loathe to upset one who so much helps pay their bills.



Anonymous said...

If the true aim is terror you don't even have to blow up the aircraft. Just detonate inside an airport and you'll easily take 50 to 100 or more with you.

That's the part that irks me.

Michelle M. said...

If Palin is elected, we are so going to be roomies in Tamland.

hoteltuesday said...

I find the xray thing to be weird too. I'd much rather be subjected to a pat down, which is what I'll probably do the next time I fly.