Sunday, November 21, 2010

So continuing the saga of the plumbing, here it is.

At lunch I took a load of clothes up to mom's that I'd wash while we ate. When I returned home, I took the clothes down to put in the dryer, and there was a mini-flood again. It wasn't receding, just kinda sitting there.

As I have to work tomorrow, I won't be home. So mom called the plumber to make the arrangements. When I went to get the clothes out of the dryer, it had all gone away again. So it's still not blocked, but is severaly clogged.

So, while I can get water in my house from the taps and such, disposing of water in my house is verboten. I'm washing my hands in a basin, and I'll throw the water out in the alley. I put some water in a bucket and I'm peeing in that, and I'll dump it down the sewer drain out front before I go to bed. And poopie runs are now made to mom's house. Yeah, good times.

I was gonna just take my shower at mom's tomorrow for work, but I think what I'll do is put the plug in the shower and just take a real quick one. And I'll brush my teeth and shave over a basin as well. Then, hopefully, when I get home from work tomorrow afternoon, everything will be back to the way its supposed to be. Just like magic. Except I'll have to pay for it eventually.

And the dishwasher...well, the plumber said he's busy on a job nearby, but when he gets a break, he'll come down and unclog it. But the dishwasher isn't an immediate problem. But I don't wanna wait WEEKS for a dishwasher! I HATE doing dishes! I'd prefer to be without a clothes washer than a dishwasher.

Oh well, hopefully tomorrow after work the worst of my problems will be overwith.


1 comment:

john said...

I had the same thing happen to me in my old house. Tuned out there were roots growing in the pipe that caused the blockage. Easy fix and not too expensive.