Thursday, November 25, 2010

A Happy Thanksgiving Birthday....

So, how was my Thanksgiving Birthday?

I was attempting to sleep in, but wasn't really successful at it. I got up about 7:30 to use the bathroom and never really went back to sleep, even though I crawled back into bed. Then, about 8:45 or so, I got a text message. It was from Craiggers! He was wishing me a happy birthday and advised me to check out Cocky&Rude when I had the chance.

And really, though I'd LOVE to be awoken by Craiggers, I'd prefer it be in person as he rolls over to face me and give me a Happy Birthday kiss and comment on our awesomely Puntabulous sexual exploits together the night before. But if all I get is a text message, hey, I'll take what I can get.

So of course, I get outta bed, and get online and go right to Cocky&Rude. And seriously, if you haven't checked this out yet, you HAVE to do this right now. It cracks me the hell up, every freakin' time I see it. It's right HERE, go check it out now. I'll wait.


See, it's that hiLARious!?! Thanks Adam and/or Mikey! How awesome to get birthday wishes on anothers blog, with accompanying videos!

So after I putzed around online for a bit doing nothing special, I showered, dressed, and headed up to mom's. We loaded up my car with the stuff she was cooking (a turkey, pie, cake, and few other assorted things), and went to pick up grandma.

She's using a cane now to get around, and she just looks....well older than she usually did. But hell, the woman's 87 years old and just two months ago, she had 8 inches of her colon, and the cancer therein, removed. So the fact she's getting around at ALL, I suppose is the thing to focus on!

Then I drove the three of us to a local community center. We do this bit every Thanksgiving. My granfather was the oldest of 7 kids, and every Thanksgiving, for as long as I can remember, and for many years before that, we rented out this community center and had a big family reunion. This year, it was kind of a light turnout. But it ended up there were about 40 people showed up. The usual amount is somewhere between 50-70.

You probably see as well as I intended, but here is the place right as we got there when there was only 5 of us there....

And this is the place right before we ate, when everyone was there and the food was put out and ready to eat....

At any rate, the food was, as usual, taste-bud explosingly delicious, and since I had two platefuls, I overstuffed myself. Somehow I still found time (and space inside my stomach) to have a small slice of pumpkin custard pie, two brownie halfs and two squares of some dessert that was delish, but I don't know what was in it.

I also had the honor of eating Thanksgiving with Justin Bieber! See?

Okay, actually it's my 14 year old cousin Trenton who, despite claiming to hate Justin Bierber, was sporting his hair. I saw him sitting at a table just listening to his iPod and not talking to anyone so I went up and said "I know why no one's talking to you. It's cause you have Justin BeeberBiberBoober hair. And no one likes that." Cool as a cucumber, he took the earbuds out, put the iPod on the table, looked straight at me and said, "I've had my hair like this before he did. And anyway, mine looks better." And I was shell shocked, cause Trenton has previously been rather quiet, espeically when I teased him. But for him to come up with that, well hell, I was impressed. And I told him so, shook his hand for coming with such a great retort, got up and left him laughin.

Although most of the rest of the day, whether just talking to him, or when we were on the same team for a card game, or when we were playing Yatzee, I still harassed him: calling BeeberBiberBoober, or Justin, or saying you're not getting good rolls cause your hair keeps getting in the way, that kinda stuff. And he laughed most of it off, although he did get some comebacks in. And we had a great time. He is a good kid.

So following all this, and dropping both grandma and mom at their respective homes, I came home myself. I sat down to watch the Dallas Cowboys play the New Orleans Saints. And even though Dallas lost, which sucks, they still played pretty damn awesomely, much better than they did just a few weeks ago. And that's all the matters.

And while watching the game, I prepared and sealed up my Christmas cards. This is my annual Thanksgiving tradition. And this year, I did all 66 of them before the game was over. Now, I just have to get to the Post Office (probably Monday) to get Christmas stamps and I can get them in the mail, either the 30th, or December 1st. Yeah, I'm usually late with sending birthday/anniversay cards, but I'm ALWAYS the first Christmas card everyone gets each year!

So once the game was over, I made a sandwich of leftover turkey (mmmm) for a late supper. And then I got on here and made this post.

I got 8 birthday cards (although I figure some more will arrive tomorrow), I got sung to at the Thanksgiving meal, I got over 30 Facebook birthday wishes, I got a few presents, and mom's making me my request Boston Creme Birthday Pie tomorrow! So as both a birthday and the Thanksgiving holiday, it was a pretty spiffy day.

I'll be going to bed here before long because a) I'm a year older now, and we old farts aren't supposed to stay up late and b) I'm getting up tomorrow and spending a good portion of the day with A Local Celebrity, Mr. David ParisPeking (which will be awesomeness itself).



Craig said...

Sounds like a great day! Happy birthday again! I'll whisper sweet mornings in your ear tomorrow morning pumpkin.

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Polt! Mine was yesterday. How I forgot it was yours is beyond me because I remembered that someones fell on Thanksgiving this year.

Michelle M. said...

I'm so impressed with the Christmas cards. Your Thanksgiving sounded delicious. I'm glad your grandmother is up and around and celebrating : ).

Bieberbiberboober - ha! At least your cousin's hair on the sides doesn't all swoosh in the same direction, so he gets a pass.

tornwordo said...

Happy happy belatedly! Thanksgiving isn't such a bad way to spend it.

And damn you on the xmas cards. I so wanted to beat my self imposed Dec 1st deadline, but I'm only up to F in my address book!