Sunday, December 26, 2010

Day after all, i will always be true...

My Day After Christmas, by Polt

I got up at 8:00 and got to work by 9:00. I was only in there to clear out the clients that had arrived since Friday night, and there were only 4. So I was out of there before 10:30. My coworkers had complained about the crappy food in the cafeteria today and kept trying to get me to get a few of them something from Arbys. I refused. But on the way out, I decided to have pizzas delivered. I tried Domino's, but they didn't open until noon, which probably woulda been too late. So after visiting Targer for next year's Christmas cards (half off) and wrapping paper (half off) and surviving the death of a little part of my soul since Target made anti-gay contributions in the last election, I went to Kohls and got a couple other things. Then I went to Papa John's, and yet another part of my soul died due to thier anti-gay policies, and I ordered 4 pizzas to be delivered to my work. After this, I went to Borders to buy a friend something, which I ended up getting, but I also got myself 4 other things. *SIGH* another waste of money. Been doing that oo much lately. I stopped by mom's for lunch of leftover Christmas dinner. I came home and waited for A Local Celebrity, Mr. David ParisPeking to arrive. We watched some football, then in the afternoon, went to Wal-Mart and then to Applebee's for an early supper. I came home to watch some more football. And then I entertained a gentlemen caller. I had planned to watch Sunday Night Football, but due to a blizzard, it was postponed. SO now I sit here watching a two hour documentary on the history of Superman. How can I go wrong with that? Also, I was surprised at how UNcrazy the stores, parking lots, and traffic was today. Thank God. I hate crazy crowds, parking lots and traffic. And so, off to bed soon and then onto a whole new day tomorrow!


1 comment:

Tam said...

You bought your coworkers pizza? And weren't even there to eat it? Wow, I want coworkers like you. Sounds like a productive day. I was afraid to go out and now that my car is being an ass I'm glad I didn't try. But tomorrow I must get it to the shop. Grrrrr.