Monday, December 27, 2010

You gotta turn the page read the book...

This past year, I've read 44 books. You can see the list in the sidebar at the left if you scroll down. I don't know how many you may read in a year, but this is a record for me. How do I know this? Well, despite being a messy slob, I am quite anally organized (don't say's too easy) about somethings. Since 1999, I've been recording every book I read and when I start and finish them. the list is as follows:

1999 - 22 books read
2000 - 22 books read
2001 - 28 books read
2002 - 33 books read
2003 - 24 books read
2004 - 26 books read
2005 - 15 books read
2006 - 20 books read
2007 - 23 books read
2008 - 27 books read
2009 - 33 books read
2010 - 42 books read

And it turns out that that amount means I've read an average of 1 book every 8 days! That fact impressed even me. The breakdown f book subject are as follows:

Alternative Universes - 1
Comics - 2
Dragonlance - 1
Dr. Who - 3
Gay - 8
General Fiction - 3
History - 3
"Leandros Brothers" series - 3
Nightrunner Series - 2
Percy Jackson series - 3
Presidential books - 6
Star Trek - 2
Torchwood - 5

Naturally gay themed books are the first, followed by Presidential books and Torchwood (which series I have no completed, therefore, there's no more of those books in the new future :( )books. Everything else is rather evenly divided.

My goal for next year is to read more than 42 books...averaging one book every 7 days this time!



Tam said...

You go. I prefer not to think how many books I read in a year. Ignorance is bliss. LOL However I read tons of short stories, anywhere from 8-40 pages, we even started a short story review blog so I have to keep up with them. I find my tolerance for longer books is less. I don't want to have to stop a quarter of the way through because of work or bedtime. The ADD of reading? I never used to be that way but since I've become a self-professed short story slut I'm hooked. And I rarely read paper books anymore. I like to own them if autographed, but I don't read them, e-books only.

Good luck with your goal. I've decided not to do any reading challenges this year. I find once I HAVE to do something (even if I'm the one who decided I have to) that I no longer want to do it. I'm also a two year old apparently. :-)

that's J-O-S-H said...

You read a lot more books than I did! WERE YOU AN ENGLISH MAJOR?!

Polt said...

No Josh, I was a PoliSci major. But I think this has less to do with my college experience 20 years ago and that fact that this year, I'm just an old fart with no life and tons of time on my hands. :)