Friday, December 24, 2010

Get up you scamps, get up you...

Tonight, after a number of my family members went to church, we got together at my aunt's house for shrimp, pizza, meatballs, and such. There were 11 of us there, including my mom, grandmother, aunt, her husband, uncle, his wife, my cousin, her husband and thier two kids.

Mom and I both had a fun times playing with the boys. At ages 6 and 4 they're such fun. Mom played tic-tac-toe with them, I sat on the sofa and they cuddled up next to me and watched some Mickey Mouse Christmas. Javion, the younger one, kept asking where Santa was in the cartoon and pointing out the reindeer to me. Tereek, the older one, kept asking me questions, from when Santa was coming, to what I wanted for Christmas, to why I had hair around my mouth but not a beard. I love kids that age, they're such fun.

I got some photos:

Tereek sitting and watching the cartoon.

Tereek them wanted to take a photo of me and so he did. I'm wearing the silly cap because I walked to my aunt's house. Even though it was a less than ten minute walk to her house, if was freakin' cold, so I bundled up. And then I just kept the cap on the whole time.

Javion and mom playing tic-tac-toe. Not sure who won the most games.

And Tereek just fooling around with his slice of pizza.

They're quite a pair of little scamps, but so, so much fun!



Tam said...

Glad you had a fun time. They are fun at that age, but also nice to send them home with their parents after. LOL Have a nice relaxing Christmas and hugs.

Michelle M. said...

Those kids are adorable!