Monday, December 06, 2010

Give up living and go shopping instead...

Today, I got up about 9:30, putzed around online, showered, went to the Post office to mail some stuff, to the Credit Union to cash some checks, then to Wal-Mart (don't judge) and bought some stuff I had been looking for, then to Lowe's, where I found nothing I wanted, then to the Dollar Store where, to my surprise, I DID find things I needed, and then to K-Mart, where I bought things I had no idea I even wanted or needed.

I got McDonalds and ate it at mom's while I read the paper. Then I came home, threw some laundry on the washer, put the purple tree skirt around the purple Christmas tree, took all the gifts I had bought over the last two days to the back bedroom, got the small Dallas Cowboys Christmas tree off the attic and set it up in my bedroom including the new ornament I bought today, changed the bedsheets and hung a few other new decorations I bought today.

I list all this NOT to brag, but just to point out how crazy it is, all this stuff I'm doing. I hate stores crowded with idiotic shoppers, traffic filled with drivers not paying attention to thier driving and trying to find the stuff I want to buy both decoration and gift wise. I usually trudge through it and get it all done, but I'm rarely happy about it.

HOWEVER, this year, the first weekend of December, man I'm ALL about the shopping and decorating! I was thinking about this this afternoon and I think I know why it's happened. Since last Thursday or so, it's been freakin' cold! Temps in the low 40's, sometimes even the 30's. And it's been snowing off and on all weekend. No accumulation, I suppose I should just say it's been flurrying. But nonetheless, it FEELS like Christmas.

In the past few years, it's been warmer, in the 50's and high 40's. Hell, I remember driving home from work one year one week exactly from Christmas, and I was only wearing a sweatshirt, and didn't have the heat on. And I remember thinking, "Man, this weather is more like a week before Halloween, not Christmas." It's kinda hard to get into the "Christmas Spirit" when it feels like it's mid-October.

So that's the story I'm going with as to why I'm into Christmas so early this year. Oh also, two radio stations have gone all-Christmas, all the time, which at first, kinda torked me off. But now, it's pretty mcuh all I listen to on the way to and home from work. That probably factors in also.

At any rate, Ho-ho-ho, Merry Christmas (early) to you all!

The Dallas Cowboys stocking I got today, hung in the living room.

The purple tree skirt. Now the tree's bottom doesn't look naked.

Dallas Cowboys Christmas Tree. I use the Tony Romo jersey as a treeskirt type of thing.

The Cowboys tree lit up and shining out the bedroom window.

And the front of the house: Christmas tree shining through front door, Cowboys tree shining up in bedroom window.


1 comment:

Michelle M. said...

Love your trees. And the photo of the tree lights shining through the window.