Saturday, December 25, 2010

My Christmas...

My Christmas, by Polt

I woke up around 8:00 and couldn't go back to sleep so I just stayed up. Putzed around online. Wrapped the remaining gifts I got for mom I just found last night. Showered. Drove to mom's. Gave Angel her gifts, opened mine. Had mom open hers. Drove to get grandma and bring her to mom's. We ate. We talked. I came home and putzed around on the computer again. A Local Celebrity, Mr. David ParisPeking called to say he was coming over to watch the Dallas Cowboys game. Corey called and said he'd be in town and wanted to stop by for a short bit. ALCMDPP arrived. Corey arrived. We talked. Corey left and ALCMDPP and I went to get the Chinese food we ordered. Returned and ate the food. Watched the Dallas game. ALCMDPP left. Watched the Dr. Who Christmas special, flipping back to the Dallas game at the commericals. And now I'm watching just the Dallas game, hoping they can pull it out after the mistakes they made early. And then off to bed.

To eat today I've had turkey, mashed potatos, sweet potatos, corn, stuffing, mom's homemade fruit salad. Then later, General Cho's chicken and rice. Also, some of Mama Polt's homemade Christmas cookies and peanut brittle.

All in all, a fun, relaxing, delicious day.



Tam said...

Sounds like a good day. Your Christmas dinner sounds a lot like mine, no Chinese food later though, we had leftover pizza and apple pie. A classic combo. :-)

Michelle M. said...

Sounds like a delicious Christmas : ). Ours was, too - thanks to Mama Polt!