Sunday, December 12, 2010

One time, in summer camp, when I was twelve (Part 34)...

12 for the 12th
December 12, 2010 edition

Watching Paul McCartney sing on SNL.
(note birthday gift photo of the 'super friends' in a prominent position)

Laying in bed reading my book before going to sleep (note the 2010 Puntabulous calendar hanging in the background)

Dropping a sympathy card off at the Post Office.
(note the raindrops on my sleeve, it was cold, damp, rainy, dreary day all day today)

My lunch: delicious, but not so good for me, KFC.

Angel has figured out that when the camera is pointed at her, there's usually a resulting bright flash, that she doesn't like. So now she just turns away. I call this her "Paparazzi Move".

Watching Tampa Bay play at the Redskins while doing some blogging. The Redskins lost, so that always makes for a good day.

Started the laundry.

Went to the attic to sort through my CDs and try to find some specific ones for a personalized CD that I'm gonna burn soon.

Loaded up the dishwasher to run. As opposed to how I felt about it when I lived at the dishwasherless apartment, washing the dishes is now possibly my favorite household chore!

Wrapped a few gifts. Not enough mind you, still not close to being done, but at least I started.

My supper: Bowl of Mama Polt's Homemade Chicken Corn Soup, sandwich, Pepsi, a good book to read and a little purple Christmas tree for decoration.

Watching the Eagles play at the Cowboys while enjoying some Asti. It's tied now and Dallas is playing well, but even if they lose, the entire bottle of Asti I'll consume will certainly lessen the blow.



Anonymous said...

Your comment about the dishwasher made me laugh out loud.

Looks like a fun time though!

Michelle M. said...

What? No mashed potatoes with the KFC? Escandolo!

Angel is so cute.

Are those superhero boxers?

That's kind of how I feel about doing laundry when I got a washer/dryer. Except for the favorite part : ).

Love the purple tree. Mama Polt's soup looks delicious! I love chicken soup and a book on a rainy day!

Sunny Archibald said...

The soup looks wonderful. The KFC would look a whole lot better with mashed potatoes and gravy, though. I have to laugh at Angel. My dogs do the same thing when I get my camera out. That, or just turn and leave the room. Hope you have a great Christmas.

tornwordo said...

Georgie is starting to do that paparazzi move too!