Friday, January 14, 2011

Boldly going forward, 'cause we can't find reverse...

The gingerlicious Adam, from Cocky & Rude, got into a discussion online about the various Star Trek serieses. Much to my surprise, he said he thought Deep Space 9 was the best series.

I was frankly shocked.

DS9? The BEST series? Seriously????

It should be OBVIOUS that The Next Generation is the best series. Followed by The Original Series, THEN Deep Space 9, Voyager and finally, sadly, Enterprise.

As I've mentioned elsewhere, I'm currently rewatching DS9 on DVD (thanks again, A Local Celebrity, Mr. David ParisPeking), and it's not as bad as I remember it being. A good early portion of Season 2 truly sucks rocks, but it's better than I had thought it was.

Still, that doesn't make it better than TOS and nowhere NEAR as awesome as TNG.

I'm curious about something though. With people I've discussed this with in the past, it generally seems that the series that a particular person first sees aired originally, is the series that they generally consider the best: my friend George - TOS; me - TNG; Adam - DS9 (although I don't know that it's the first one he watched, I think it may bed); Mrs. A Local Celebrity, Mr. David ParisPeking - Voyager. This doesn't count reruns, cause God knows I was watching TOS nearly as long as I've been wathing TV, but TNG was the first one I watched as it aired.

SO, to that end, I'd like everyone reading this to leave me a comment and tell me what series you watched first, and which you happen to think is the best one....if you even have a favorite. Let's see if we can prove my theory.



Tam said...

TNG and probably my fave and the first series I watched, although I love the original of course. Who can't love Spock and Kirk.

I never really got into Voyager, it seemed kind of blah and never saw an episode of Enterprise. DS0-9 was okay for me, not great, not bad.

Anonymous said...

Definitely TNG. It too sucked in the beginning but hit its stride.

Realized something else. There is no Star Trek property currently in production. This is a first for me.

Michelle M. said...

That Adam. He's so controversial.
I don't have a favorite, but Harry says he has to go with The Next Generation.

Adam said...

I love being controversial! The first series that I ever watched was TNG. But DS9 is still my favorite. My order is:

1. TNG
2. DS9
3. Enterprise
4. Voyager
5. TOS

Booo to that old crap!