Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Oscar....the grouch...

The Academy Award nominations are being announced today, and frankly, I don't care in even a little bit.

In the past, I have attended, and held, some Oscar parties. But that was mainly for the food, drink, and friendship. Not for the awards themselves. The Oscars, like the Emmys, Grammys, and I suppose Tonys (although I've never watched a Tonys award show), never go to the nominees I feel they should. In fact, I rarely agree with most of the nominees. So in recent years, I've not watched. What's the point?

Awards shows seem to me to be an orgy of self-promotion and self-aggrandizement filled with gratuitious fluff. The are too long, boring and in the end, mean absolutely nothing. With the exception of one case (Slumdog Millionaire) I have never seen a movie just because it won or was nominated for an Oscar. And honestly, I had thought about seeing Slumdog Millionaire anyway before it was nominated from what I had heard about it, but decided to wait for it to come out on Netflix. So that one case, in all the 30 some years that I've been aware of the Oscars, is the only one where the Oscars changed my mind.

But the movies (and songs, and tv shows and, I suppose plays) that I enjoy either are not nominated or never win. So why should I care who does win? As I stated above, its not gonna change my mind on seeing a movie or not.

If I want to watch a bunch of overpaid egomaniacs in obscenely priced clothing blather on and on saying things I couldn't care less about, I'll just turn on C-SPAN.



Tam said...

I watch for the fluff. Who's wearing what, who says something stupid and that's about it. I don't really care who wins either.

Michelle M. said...

Like Tam (as usual) I watch for the fluff. I like to see what everyone is wearing. I think the only nominated movies I saw were Toy Story 3, Inception and The Kids are Alright. And I fast forward a lot.

I did enjoy the Golden Globes this year. I thought Ricky Gervais was a breath of fresh air. Some celebrities take themselves way too seriously.

FDot said...

You don't care? That's it, we're through! No more cookies for you.