Thursday, January 06, 2011

You've got to burn the old brush out...

So I've discovered this boo-boo on my knee.

I first realized it Wednesday morning as I lay in bed. I moved and I guess I scraped it across the bedsheet and it hurt, but I wasn't totally awake. And then when I showered Wednesday morning, it stung as the water went across it. I suppose it's a brush burn.

The only thing is, I don't know how I got it.

I don't remember anything happening that could have caused it. I do remember during the taking of my 2011 virginity, when we were moving around on the bed, I slid off it onto that knee. I don't recall feeling any pain....but I was really into feeling other things at that time, so that might explain it.

At any rate, I suppose that's where I got it. And while I don't like having it, hell, if I have to have one everytime Jawon and I get together, well, I'm ready for a whole flock of brush burns!



Tam said...

Yeah, insert too much time spent on your knees comments here. LOL

I am always finding odd bruises on my arms and legs and have no clue how I got them. *shrug* I blame it on early onset Alzheimers. :-P

Michelle M. said...

Hope you find someone to kiss it and make it better : ).