Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Want my baby back, so now I pack a shovel...

They're calling for snow Wednesday night into Thursday. We're definitely gonna get 1-3 inches with a possibilty of up to 8 or more.

And I'm getting antsy at the thought of snow.

It never used to be that way. Certainly when I was home, as a kid, I'd LOVE the snow! Possible days off school, snowmen, snow angels, sledding in the alley, hot cocoa when I'd come in. LOVED it. And even when I lived in the apartment for 12 years, it didn't bother me. But now, since last year when we got all the blizzards, every time they call for snow, I get all anxious and ansty. And I'm now sure why.

I thought perhaps it was because of my car. I've not had Sebastian a year yet, and while we've gone through some snow together, I'm still not totally confident with him. Miss Cleo, hell, she was like another arm, she was like a part of me, even when it came to driving in snow, no problem. But Sebastian, I'm still a bit cautious with.

Maybe it's the shoveling. In the apartment, I had to do NO shoveling, the landlord paid someone to come do it. Oh I still had to shovel out my car, and it was a bitch trudging through shin high drifts all the way back to the offstreet parking. I have much less distance to go now. But I have a sidewalk now too. Granted, it's only between 15-20 feet of sidewalk, but still, I have to shovel it out. And do it in a timely manner so I don't get fined. Like last year. Whereas in the apartment, I didn't have to go out for days if that's what was required.

It can't be taking leave from work, cause I have more time now that I've had since my first year at work in 1996. Course, with us still short a person, and two of us having to do the work of three, I don't really want to get behind any worse than I am now. But one snow day isn't gonna back me up that much.

I don't know what it is then. Maybe I'm just getting old and the prospect of snow isn't fun any more. God, I hope that's NOT it.


1 comment:

that's J-O-S-H said...

As my blog post last week pointed out, the mere mention of snow putz mah mind into a downward spiral of uncontrollable