Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Isn't it amazing that the most recent victims of the Arizona shootings are the Far Right? They're all complaining and whining about how unfair it is for anyone with any kind of logical reasoning is stating that perhaps the inflamatory violent comments they've made over the last few years (crosshairs over Congressmens's districts on Sarah Palin's website, "People will result to Second Amendment solutions" - Sharron Angle, "We need a Second American Revolution - Glenn Beck) might have something to do with the shootings. I've endlessly heard how it's not fair to assign blame, and how wrong it is for anyone to assume anything about the guy's motives, and stuff that like. Yeah, sure. It takes an huge amount of hutzpah for the Far Right to play the victim in a situation that their rhetoric led to. Of course, the Far Right has never ever had a shortage of hutzpah. New ideas, civil discourse, putting substance of symbolism, SURE, they've always been lacking in those, but never hutzpah.

It makes me want to puke.



Paul said...

Beware of conservative nationalist parties that rise during times of economic hardship.


Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.

Anonymous said...

Palin's comment about blood libel also make me want to puke. Only she could turn around and make herself a victim of this situation. People need to remember that freedom of speech brings responsibility. Everyone, whether we're on the right or the left, should think about the implications of their statements before they make them.