Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Half off the price they're asking...

Yesterday, A Local Celebrity, Mr. David ParisPeking and I were to see the Green Hornet. We ate lunch and afterwards, he didn't feel well so we didn't go. Didn't want to spend money on a movie, even a matinee, and then have to leave in the middle. So we'll have to see that again some other time. But before we left, we visited the FYE store in the mall. It had signs up all over that they were closing the store, and things were 30%-50%-80% off.

I scored several things for half off!

Smallville, Season 9. I've been stuck in season 5 now for some time cause frankly, it's so bad. But since I already have seasons 1-8, getting 9 fulfilled the demands of the collector inside me. And plus it was half off!

Batman Beyond: Season 2. I like this series, I don't have season 1, but then this series was never chronological anyway. And at half off, it's a steal.

Super Friends Hour: Season One, Volume 2. Ah, childhood. How I remember getting up Saturday mornings and planting my ass in front of the TV to watch this little bit of (to my ten year old brain) awesomeness. And at half off, how could I say no?

And since everything I got was 50% off (did I mention that before?), I found Avatar, The Last Airbender The Complete Book 1 Collection, and had to get it. I've never seen ANY episode of this series, but I've heard people raving about it (*cough*Craiggers*cough*) and decided I'd pick up the first one to see if I liked it or not. So once I'm done with DS9, I plan on starting this series. And we'll see if it stands up to the praises I've heard.


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