Monday, June 18, 2012

Baby wants results or a new start...

So today I had my three month visit with the new doctor (after having given the blood last Wednesday)First things first, it was my annual check, and I continue to be HIV negative!  So, yay for that, right?

Then we got down to the nitty-gritty.  I had lost 9 pounds in three months, which is kinda what I knew already because that's how much I had lost during the Cocky&Rude.  But then she told me the biggest news: My A1C number, which in March was 8.8 (and back in December was 9.3), right now, is 7.1!  That's a 1.7 drop in three months!  Which is amazing, she said.  Ultimately, we want it somewhere in there 6.something range, and if I can get it there, she said she'd change my status to "Controlled Diabetic" instead of the "Uncontrolled" that I am now.  This is INCREDIBLE news!

In addition, my cholesterol, that should be under 200, is at 100.  My triglycerides, which should be under 150, is at 102.  My good cholesterol is a little low, but that's no big deal.  Everything, other than the good cholesterol, was great!  She told me to keep up what I was doing, and hopefully, but the beginning of the fall, I'll no longer be an Uncontrolled Diabetic!



Tam said...

Yay. Good for you. Guess that low-carb thing is working. Keep up the great work.

Michelle M. said...

Hurray! Good for you!