Friday, June 08, 2012

My neck and shoulders are sore.  This happens sometimes at work from typing on the computer all day and the position of the keyboard and monitor.  But when I leave work and get home, it usually all goes away.  But tonight, it's still sore.  I even had to take some Advil.  And I've felt pretty listless all day.

This concerns me because historically, when I have a sore neck and upper back, it can lead to some kind of flu or other sickness.  And I do NOT want to get sick tonight or tomorrow.  Not with the all the people coming to my house tomorrow and the trip to the Parade and all.  I can be sick tomorrow night when we get back, if need be, cause once we're back from the Parade, I don't HAVE to leave the house again until Tuesday morning at 7AM.   But I simply will NOT miss the Parade this year! Nope, not gonna happen.  This is just a quirk.  That's it.


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