Thursday, June 28, 2012

Call me in three months time, I'll be fine (Part 14)...

Thursday Three

Here's a look at what made my week a bit more livable.

1). Grandma being discharged from the hospital.

Yep, she went home Wednesday.  It's amazing, when I saw her on Saturday, I figured her heart was ready to give out and that she'd never leave the hospital alive.  And now, less than a week later, she's home.  (Incidentally, that's a generic photo, it does not depict Grandma Polt nor anything she left the hospital with).

2) Afternoon naps.

In my younger years, like my 20s, I'd regularly fall asleep on the sofa for 15-20 minutes with the TV on, wake up with my second wind and enjoy the evening.  I haven't been doing that, for years really.  In the last month, though, I've inadvertently been doing it.  And it IS truly a glorious experience.  Perhaps my lack of afternoon naps explains why I've been going to bed before 10 so many times since I've moved into the house.  Maybe that pattern will change.

3) Gay sex.

Not that I've had any in the last week (and believe me, I'm more unhappy about that than you are surprised about it), but the  thought of it always makes my week better.

So what made your week better this week?



john said...

Great news on Grandma Polt! I hope she only continues to improve.

Tam said...

Yay Grandma Polt. Glad she is feeling better.

I can't nap, I am either tired enough to sleep for 8 hours or not. If I try to nap it just seems to make me more dopey and tired.

Michelle M. said...

I'm with Tam. Napping makes me feel too woozy - not refreshing at all.

I'm so glad to hear that Grandma Polt is doing better. And that she didn't just have twins.

My week was poopy. Head cold with sinus stuff. Blech.