Monday, June 04, 2012

You're exhausted, by your own life...

So, guess who's an exhausted puppy.  Yeah, me.

Mom came down today to help me clean and tidy up the house a bit for my upcoming weekend visitors. (Oh, I don't think I've told you, Paul "Viva-La-Swirl" Wykcoff and his insanely cute boyfriend Travis, and coming down Saturday from Long Island.  They're going to accompany me and my 'group' to the Pride Parade in DC, then spend the night at my place before leaving Sunday to visit Hershey Park, spend the night there and then return home.  YAY! How excited am I?)  So we cleaned up the kitchen, the bathroom, the spare bedroom, the dining room and the kitchen.  Took us 3.5 hours to accomplish it all.

Then, since the petunias in the front garden are pretty pathetic, we decided to go get some more, which we did.  A batch of deep purple ones and a batch of light purple ones.  And these much more healthy than the ones we got a few weeks ago.  So then we came back here and planted all 12 of them in the garden.  And they're looking much better after less than on day than all the others have looked after two weeks.  So that's good.

Seeing as how it was now almost 2PM, we were both quite hungry.  So we went to the Parlor House, where I had delicious broiled haddock, an equally delicious salad, and so-so green beans.  And a glass of water.  Totally fit into my diet.  After returning home and wasting time here, I taped up a package I needed to send, and walked it over to the Post Office and then back.  It only took 24 minutes, which isn't as much as I have been doing, but it was a walk nonetheless.  And it was the third say in a row I took a walk, so that's all good too.  Oh, and in the middle of all this, I also washed and changed the bedsheets on both my bed and the spare one, and laundered several blankets that needed done.

SO now, for the rest of the day, I'm in.  In and doing nothing but putzing around online and watching crap on TV.  I'm not going out again tonight come hell or high water.  Although a hot Asian twinkie with a hairthing may tempt me out, but even that's not a guarantee tonight!



Tam said...

So jealous. You get to be the first of us to meet the lovely Travis? We'll expect a full report. ;-)

Have fun at the parade. Hopefully it will be nice weather but not sweltering for you.

Michelle M. said...

Cool - you and Paul (and Travis) are getting together! I'm looking forward to seeing the pics you'll take.

Viva La Swirl!