Friday, June 22, 2012

everything you take for granted Is everything that keeps you stranded...

There are several things that most people in this world take for granted, that I simply do not.

1) Enjoying Fireworks.

I hate loud noises, always have.  As a kid, I was scared of balloons because of the loud noises they made when they popped.  Similarly, I have never enjoyed fireworks.  I have never been to a display of firework on  a July 4th.  I did watch some fireworks at a local carnival before, but I'm pretty sure I was drinking then, so that mitigated some of it.  And I watched some fireworks from the Eiffell Tower on Bastille Day in 1984.  But regardless, even though I am no longer scared of them, I still do not enjoy them.

2) Drinking.

I do drink alcohol, an occasional beer, some Asti rarely, some wine.  But I just never really got into drinking.  I sometimes wish I felt like coming home from a hard day at work and having a relaxing beer.  Or martini.  Or glass of Scotch.  But I don't.  Never developed a taste like that for the stuff.

3) Going shirtless.

I was heavy even as a teenager, and I've been too embarrassed to remove my shirt in front of people every since.  I mean, I don't like looking at my fat, I want other people to see it either.  In the last 30 years of my life or so, unless you were my doctor or someone I was having sex with, you have not seen me shirtless.  I am envious of those guys who think nothing of taking their shirts off when they're hot, or being able to swim with only trunks.  But it's something I've never been able to do.

So one thing you'll never see is me, shirtless, drinking a martini while watching fireworks.



Tam said...

I do love fireworks. I love going to the Fireworks festival we have here where they are put to music over a lake. I won't invite you to join us (lots of cute guys wandering around though the few hours before the show)

I like drinking, I love fancy drinks, but I don't think I like it enough because I'm too lazy to get myself one. I have all the ingredients in my house to make margaritas or daiquiris, I even have beer, but ... eh. I just can't be bothered. If someone made it for me I'd be happy to have one. So I'm too damn lazy to be a drunk. Huh. Who'd have thought I could turn that into a positive.

Um, you ain't gonna see me shirtless either. I try to keep most of my pasty chubby skin covered around other people.

Michelle M. said...

I never go shirtless. No one needs to see that. I'm jealous of guys who can be shirtless during a heatwave, though.

I enjoy the occasional cocktail or glass of zinfandel.

I think I've seen fireworks maybe three times in the last 10 years. They sure are pretty, though.