Thursday, June 07, 2012

Call me in three months time, and I'll be fine (Part 11)...

Thursdays Three

So let's see what's made this past week a winner for me.

1) Beautiful Days

After a hot, humid, sticky, generally icky Memorial Day weekend the weather has dramatically improved.  Over the past week, despite a lil bit of rain, it's been generally cool (like in the 70s), sunny with very little clouds in the skies and a cooling breeze.  At least while I've been taking my walks.  It's simply been glorious!

2) A clean house.

A house that is clean, neat, orderly, almost fresh.  And smells of Pine-Sol, Orange Pledge, and definitely fresh! I just hope I can keep it this way until my weekend guests arrive on Saturday.  But I like how clean is looks and smalls.

3) This video.

It just cracks me up.  Im not even sure the kid in the back blinks even once.


1 comment:

Michelle M. said...

A clean house is the best!!!