Wednesday, June 13, 2012

I aint tryna knock your socks off...

So tonight, I had a planned rendezvous with a certain gentleman who shall remain nameless.  After this, we took his car to the mechanic, and I drove him to his place.  I then stopped on the way home, got gas and supper.  But when I got home, before I could eat it, I got a surprise visitor.


Yep, he stopped by because he had a surprise for me.  He said "It's not much, but I saw it online and as soon as I did, I knew I HAD to order it for you!"  And then he showed it to me.

Superman socks!  WITH a cape attached to each!!!!  SEE!

Are they not the awesome-est?  Certainly, they're the super-est!  LOVE them!

We talked for about a half hour.  He said he spent the weekend with his girlfriend (who, when he texted her that he was at my place, texted back "Up, up and away!"  LOVE her!) at her parents' place near the beach in Delaware.  He found a store there packed full of action figures, some in the boxes, some laying loose.  And he searched all through to try to find something for me as well, but he couldn't find anything.  Now how sweet is he?  He already had the super socks, and he was still looking for an action, just because.  Awww.

Anyway, we talked about maybe hanging out this weekend, depending on his schedule.  Which I hope we can do.  Love hanging out with Corey. Cause ya know, he's cute, funny, friendly, AND he gives me surprise gifts!

(Oh and by the way, this post in my 6500th post!)



Tam said...

I wish you had more grass so you could wear them when you mow the lawn. LOL He's a sweetheart.

Polt said...

Tam, for me to actually be seen wearing them outside, I'd have to have had an encounter with an entirely different kind of grass altogether!


LadyXandria said...

I love them!!! Do they make you feel like you could leap over a tall building in a single bound? lol =)

Amie said...

I saw these socks in a magazine and thought of you. Luckily, I didn't get around to ordering them. Although in this case maybe two would be better than one.

Mark said...

Polt cutting his grass in his Superman socks, I would pay money to see that!

Polt said...

Polt doesnt cut his grass, the neighbor boys do. And I'm pretty sure they wouldnt want to be wearing Superman socks while doing so. :)


Anonymous said...

The capes - every time I see capes after seeing the Incredibles - no capes!

And 6,500 posts, damn, I'm just around 2,145 posts.