Tuesday, December 03, 2013

By your decorating taste, you've been alone too long....

So since you've already read all about the putting up the Christmas Tree fiasco (and you HAVE read it already, right?  If not, its HERE), I'm sure of you are thinking, "Well gosh, Polt, that tree just looks fanTAStic, but is that the only decorating you do for Christmas?"

And my answer is, "Well of COURSE not!"  I mean, they'd confiscate my gay card if that's all the decorating I'd do.  No, there were other things put up.  See below!

A lil Glittery Superman S ornament hanging on the wall.

Cole Miser and Hear Miser in front of the TV!

A purple Christmas stocking!

A really large Christmas stocking hanging above a conglomerate of lil Christmas stuff.

A purple bow and lights strung up the bannister.

My Dallas Cowboys Christmas Tree and stocking.

A stocking with my name on it that a co-worker gave me a few years ago

The big wreath on the front window, and you can see the Christmas tree inside.

Also, what I forgot to take photos of: the Christmas dining room tablecloth. the smaller wreaths on both the door and the jingle bells I hung on most of the doors.

So that's the decorations at Polt's Palace.  Very festive, eh?


1 comment:

Michelle M. said...

Yay you!

So far we have a basket for holiday cards and lights up outside. That's it! I'm dragging.

They stopped selling the stockings I use for the budgies, and I'm two short. Boo!