Sunday, December 08, 2013

Ghost in the machine, ghost in the machine....

Last night, Ghostie came over.

It was time for him to film, direct, and produce (more or less) my annual Christmas video.  I still need to get a couple more videos, and then put them all together.  I know I've normally had these up in the very beginning of December, but, well...this year I haven't.  At any rate, I hope to have it up sometime next weekend.

This year, we even did a few 'on location' shoots outside of the house!  Ooooh, I know!  Now you're all wondering and excited, aren'tcha?

Following getting all that done, we watched "The Year Without A Santa Claus."  Mainly because I couldn't believe he'd never seen it before!  And yeah, as he said, it wasn't all that great, except of course for the Mizer Brothers songs!  But now at least, he's seen it, and that's all good.

It was good to hang out with him, it's been a little while.  I need to do that more often.


1 comment:

Michelle M. said...

Yay! Can't wait : ).