Tuesday, December 31, 2013

I've got books filling my shelves day and night...

Books.  The final tally for 2013 was as follows:

I purchased a total of 59 books during 2013 at a cost of $557.39 for an average cost of $9.45 per book.

Also in 2013, I read a total of 44 books, for an average of one book every 8.29 days, or one book in a little more than each week.

Now, I get to keep track for 2014 and see how the years compare!


1 comment:

Tam said...

According to Goodreads, I read 14,000 or so pages, but probably closer to 15,000. that's about 150 "books" but I read a lot of short stories, so on average 40 pages a day which is not much. That is about half of what I read last year.

I know the most expensive book I bought for myself was probably around $7, maybe $8 because I buy lots of e-books. But I try to save up my freebie coupons or wait for publisher sales to get the longer more expensive books. How much I spent all year? Well, not that much this year because when we are reviewing, publishers gave us books for free, but I didn't buy a huge amount this year. No time.