Monday, December 23, 2013

This morning, mom and I took her candy over to work.  For the past, oh i don't know, decade or more, she and I have taken batches of cookies, fudge, peanut brittle and other stuff she made over.  My co-workers like it and really appreciate her doing so.  They look forward to it every year.  And frankly, so do we.

I waited all day for the computer to be delivered (other than when we were over at work, and then at lunch) and it didn't get here, so hopefully tomorrow.

In the late morning, Johnnie stopped by.  He's back from Chicago for the holidays, and was visiting friends today and spent several hours with me.  Quite a nice visit, I don't think I've seen him since sometime in 2011.  But he still looks the same.  And we still had a good time together, just talking and catching up.  

We went to Montezuma's for lunch.  He grabbed the check when it came.  I asked what he was doing and he said, "You always buy my meals when we go eat, I have a real job now, so it's my turn."  He did let me cover the tip though.

And during our conversations, I told him of some troubles I'd been having over the last couple months.  And he said to me (this is paraphrased), "All the times I've visited you over the last 15 years, yeah, it's been cause we're friends, but it's been more than that.  You've been like a big brother to me.  Like a mentor.  You were always there for me, and always offered good advice and I knew I could always come to you I if I needed to.  And that seems to just be part of your make-up, cause I dont think I'm the only one you've been like that to".  What a nice thing to say.  How sweet.  It really kinda touched me.  He is such a nice guy and a good kid.  (Kid, ha!  He's 31 years old.  But still....)

So I've got two more days off and nothing planned (other than waiting for the computer tomorrow).  And I'm okay with all that.  I like not having anything planned nor knowing what I'm going to be getting into.  It's a pleasant change.


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