Sunday, December 15, 2013

Debt comes in threes, the things you do to me...

Back in February of 2010, my old car, Miss Cleo died on me and then I had to get my current car Sebastian.  At the time, I put some of my own money down on it, but needed more.  So I borrowed money from mom.  That meant, as I paid it back, I didn't have to pay any interest on it, which was great.  And also, there were a few months when I was little short on cash and got a break from her in not having to pay that month.  But most months, I paid her back $200 a month, on or around the 15th of the month.

Well today, I made my final payment to her.  YAY!  So now I'll have an extra $200 a month for...well whatever.  I'm first gonna pay down some of that credit card bill, and save some of it too.  

I just hope Sebastian hangs on for a few more years so I dont have to get a new car and have another car payment.  That extra $200 will be pretty nice.


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