Sunday, December 01, 2013

It;s the end of the Thanksgiving holiday weekend, so I'll answer the Thanksgiving Quiz now.  The correct answer was C, I have never seen the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.  Since I was a kid, I have slept in on Thanksgiving Day, got up in time to shower, get dressed and help get the car packed up and off we go to the Thanksgiving reunion dinner (which we eat at lunchtime).  I've never had any time to sit and watch a parade with a bunch of balloons and lip syncing musical acts.  And since I've done it before, I had absolutely zero interest in watching it now.

So good for you VUBOQ and Michelle M., you got it right.  Tam, I have played touch football on many occasions while at the Thanksgiving reunion dinner, but I've never broken anything while playing it.  Might have ripped my pants one year, but that's a whole other thing....



vuboq said...

Woo hoo! Michelle M and I are SuperClever!

Michelle M. said...

Yay! All that spying in the bushes paid off!