Thursday, May 07, 2015

It seems to me, reminds me of childhood memories....

Back when I was just a Lil Polt, ya know the Dark Ages, there was this store downtown, The News Agency.  It had been in downtown for YEARS, probably before my grandparents were alive.  At the time I went there, they had comic books, the reason I went there.  But there were also pool tables there, and other magazines, and a couple video games (I played Galaga there until my hands hurt).

They also had a fountain bar there.  A bar with a soda fountain.  They made food there too, had a grill and all, but this story is about the soda fountain.

You could order sodas, and as well, you could them 'flavored'.  I always LOVED a fountain Coke with a shot of lemon juice in it.  Tasted SO delicious.

Well, back in 2010, The News Agency closed.  A diner has since opened in the same place, although the one time I've eaten there, it wasn't a terribly good meal.  But I digress.

A week ago, mom and I were leaving Wal-Mart, driving past a Sheetz convenience store, when she asked me to pull in to it, so she could get a soda.  She said she gets them there all the time, and she gets them with lemon.  I told her I didn't know Sheetz did that.  She said she does it herself, just by putting a little shot of lemonade soda in the cup first.

I thought WOW!  How brilliant!  And I did it too.  And it tasted AMAZING.  I've doing it at Rutters as well.  Way too much.  Cause I don't like, in fact can't stand, diet fountain soda.  The only fountain drinks I get are the regular ones.  And so I get that, with a squirt of lemonade.  

Man, it tastes just like childhood revisited!


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