Sunday, May 03, 2015

Someone book me a room (Part 120 & 121)...

Chapter 5, Page 1....

Hey, welcome to May!  Today, Friday....I dont think I have too much to tell.  Work was work...nothing horrible, no more crazy freakin' nut ladies came in as clients.  I got stuff done, the few tasks I had lined up for the day were completed.  And then I went home.

I stopped and got some groceries on the way home.  I spent the night here at the house doing...well, once again, nothing worth mentioning.  I was on the computer.  I read some.  I just spent the evening alone, spending Me Time.

Chapter 5, Page 2...

Work Saturday was a little slower than usual, but I wasn't complaining.  I got done what needed to be done, prepared a few things for wrapping up next week, and then actually left a little early.  I hung out here at home until it was time to leave for my appointment.

See, A Local Celebrity, Mr.  David ParisPeking and I and Derick, were supposed to go see the Avengers: The Age Of Ultron Saturday night.  But then, about 5:30, I saw on Facebook, Derick was at Urgent Care.  Turns out, he missed a step somewhere, fell and fractured his foot.  When he was calling me, he was on his way to the hospital for x-rays (there's where they confirmed he had fractured it) and they put him in a cast.  But all that happened later.  It however was clear he wouldn't be able to go to the movies.

So, I told him not to worry about the ticket.  I checked with 4 people I thought might want to see the movie, and all three either couldn't go, didn't want to see it, or didn't answer their phone.  So I left ALCMDPP a message to see if he could find someone to use the ticket, and if not, I'd just pick up the cost of that ticket.

I got to the theater, and he pulled and was surprised he was alone.  Apparently he doesn't check his voice mails! *SIGH*  So we went in, he just bought all the tickets and I got us a food special: 2 drinks and a large popcorn.  And gave him the money to make up the difference.  And then we watched the movie.

I'll have a review coming up soon, but it's much better than I expected.  Just check out the review later for more details.

Since I had had no supper (and despite eating MOST of the large popcorn) I was STUPIDLY, I went to McDonalds.  Two hamburgers, a small fry and....20 nuggets later I was not only full, but feeling a bit sick.  I dont know WHY I dot the nuggets....

I didn't bother taking my blood sugar, cause I knew it would be insanely high.  (Sunday morning when i took it, it was 219, which isn't insanely high for me, especially considering all the bad shit I had to eat the night before, but it's still VERY bad.)


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